I created a breathing fold. A raw inflatable.
Album Tracks, (a series of performative objects) function as objects separated from their performative creation, or a record of effort exuded from the performer post performance.
David Getsy talks about this in his introduction to his new book Queer: quote “Abstraction has been embraced for its oppositional, utopian, and critical possibilities, for it is in abstraction that the dynamic potential of queer stances can be manifested without recourse to the representation of bodies.”
Is there a set line between abstract and representation? Or can I make objects and performances that work in tandem to create a conversation between the two?The formation of this object has three parts:
Part one: Formation of the base fold. I begin by tacking my base object on to the wall. I used a florescent pink inflatable air mat because it had ridges like do and is shapely like I am.
These stills are taken from my performance of NSYNC’s Bye Bye Bye
In the future I will be performing different routines, creating multiple objects, and connect them through tubing to allowing them to breathe through pressure from each other.